
Olive & Bee Intimate Cream 55ml


We have decided to use the term “Intimate Cream” as opposed to “Personal Lubricant”. Firstly, this has less of a sexual connotation, and we feel it makes the purchase easier. Secondly, this product has multiple uses apart from intercourse! Women can experience vaginal dryness from several causes, and Olive & Bee may improve comfort and wellbeing. In fact it can be used as a body moisturiser and it makes a great massage oil.


  • Personal lubricant for intercourse
  • Intimate Cream for sensitive vulval and vaginal tissues
  • Massage oil
  • Body moisturiser


  • Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Pure Beeswax

Bays Health Pharmacy Shop

Bays Health Pharmacy is a locally owned and operated good old fashioned service oriented community pharmacy. Old fashioned doesn't mean out of touch. We pride ourselves on keeping up to date with the latest medical, nutritional and wellbeing information, while embracing each individual's choices.